歌麿をめぐる五人の女 Utamaro and His Five Women


溝口健二      1946   95分  松竹京都
“Utamaro and His Five Women” Kenji Mizoguchi 1946 95 minutes
2nd time to watch this film on screen.
Combination of Mizoguchi and Miki created beautiful films during late 30s and 40s. Miki’s gray tone is quite different from Kazuo Miyagawa who shot Mizoguchi’s in 50s (since “Oyu-sama” I believe) and it bears stunning beauty. Kinuyo Tanaka is not only unbelievable in close-ups (especially in the last long shot), but also intriguing in the wide shot although she’s with “other 4 women”. That makes her a movie star i guess. The scene in which a daimyo, a feudal lord in Edo period, goes out to beach and strip his 100s of servant women to have them catch fish, was quite joyful when the tracking shot rapidly captures the women stripping off one after another almost like Busby Barkley musicals.

Atsushi Funahashi 映画作家。「過去負う者」「ある職場」(東京国際映画祭2020)「ポルトの恋人たち 時の記憶」(主演柄本佑, ロンドンインディペンデント映画祭最優秀外国映画)「道頓堀よ、泣かせてくれ! Documentary of NMB48」「桜並木の満開の下に」「フタバから遠く離れて」「谷中暮色」「ビッグ・リバー 」(主演オダギリジョー)「echoes」を監督。著書に「まだ見ぬ映画言語に向けて」(吉田喜重との共著)A Tokyo-based filmmaker. Directed “COMPANY RETREAT”(Tokyo IFF), "LOVERS ON BORDERS"(Best Foreign Future LONDON INDEPENDENT FF 2018), "NUCLEAR NATION I&II", "Big River"(all premiered at Berlinale), "echoes". His book include “Undiscovered Film Language” (Co-written with Kiju Yoshida).


  1. Gloria

    I have a question to make. I just saw this film on a DVD release, and the image quelity was rather poor: it is due to the DVD being made after a poor copy? or just there is no surviving copy in good condition (as in Ozu’s “chichi Ariki”)?
    Very interesting film, I think it would make a terrific Triple biller with Tarkowsky’s “Andrej Rublev” and the Rembrandt biography with Charles Laughton.
    I liked the considerations about the artist’s life: as the NEED of the artist to paint. It is evident what a torture is for Utamaro having his hands tied.
    The somewhat air-headed disciple of Utamaro’ was a good counter-point.
    Yes, the fishing scene was pretty Busby Berkeley-ish, LOL

  2. cowtown11211

    Hi Gloria,
    Thanks for your commentary.
    I believe there’s unfortunately no good copy of “Uatamaro and-“. Even print.
    I heard Shochiku had to copy the film to 16mm from the original 35mm negative when the japanese government forced them to convert all their films to noninflamable in 1950s.
    So I believe the DVD was captured from 16mm.

  3. Gloria

    Atsushi, thanks for the explanation.
    How sad! I wonder how many good prints of old films must have been lost in the process 🙁
    Sometimes, there are DVD companies with little respect for the customer which release a film with the first copy they find (which often is not very good), that I had suspected that this was the case for “Utamaro…”, but in this case it seems that yes, they made the film/DVD from the only sources available.

  4. cowtown11211

    yap, Only thing we can do now is to go to cinema and see it on screen.
    I’ve seen “Utamaro-” on 16mm this time. It wasn’t in good quality at all, but the size of image was good enough to stimulate me to imagine how it used to be like on the original 35mm.



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