”Deep in the Valley” Picture lock & Private Screening


断続的に今年の初めから続けてきた新作「Deep In The Valley」が漸く一段落。
そう、話は前後するが、昨日、その完成内部試写を赤坂のOmnibus Japan のDigital Theater SOFIA で行ったのだ。Omnibus~の親会社が、コッポラ嬢とご懇意で、”Lost in Translation”公開の時に、 記念の上映施設建設の話となったそう。試写室を作るのであれば、娘よりも親父でしょう、どう考えても!とは思ったが、上映施設自体はすばらしく、部屋に至るまでの廊下に、Joan Crawford, Jane Russell, FF Coppola (Daddy), Kurosawa など錚錚たる面々のポートレートが飾ってあるなど、雰囲気作りは満点。(確かに、Jane Russellを入れるのなら、もっとほかの女優がいるはずというご指摘は妥当だが。)
Finally “Deep In The Valley”, my first feature in Japan, is picture-locked yesterday. Thanks to Chris Fujiwara’s help we made its English subtitles in 2 days and made it in time for the screening on Wednesday.
It was at Digital Theater SPFIA of Omnibus Japan video center. It was a theater that Ms. Coppola and the president of Tohokushinsya, one of the major film distribution studios which finance films by Jarmusch as well as Ms. Coppola, had a nice dinner together and came up with an idea to build. So the success of “Lost in Translation” made the theater. I thought that if you name a digital theater after Coppola family, it should title Daddy’s name rather than his daighter’s, but that is my personal opinion which I think many people would agree to. Anyway it is a gorgeous theater. The corridor to the theater is well decorated with old time Hollywood stars like Joan Crawford, Jane Russell, FF Coppola (yes, it’s her daddy), as well as Kurosawa.
The screening went very well, actually most people told me that they felt the film was more interesting than the rough cut in spring. The positive feedbacks were pleasing especially after the 30 days of stuck-in-a-dark-room post produciton. At the end of the night we heard a great news that the film will be invited to a film festival next year. (I will announce details later!)

Atsushi Funahashi 映画作家。「過去負う者」「ある職場」(東京国際映画祭2020)「ポルトの恋人たち 時の記憶」(主演柄本佑, ロンドンインディペンデント映画祭最優秀外国映画)「道頓堀よ、泣かせてくれ! Documentary of NMB48」「桜並木の満開の下に」「フタバから遠く離れて」「谷中暮色」「ビッグ・リバー 」(主演オダギリジョー)「echoes」を監督。著書に「まだ見ぬ映画言語に向けて」(吉田喜重との共著)A Tokyo-based filmmaker. Directed “COMPANY RETREAT”(Tokyo IFF), "LOVERS ON BORDERS"(Best Foreign Future LONDON INDEPENDENT FF 2018), "NUCLEAR NATION I&II", "Big River"(all premiered at Berlinale), "echoes". His book include “Undiscovered Film Language” (Co-written with Kiju Yoshida).


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