はじめるにあたって… Prologue


ブルックリンで2年前に行われたカウリスマキのレトロスペクティブで、ニューヨークへの紹介者としてJarmusch がステージに上がり、 “Don’t know what to say. But as I always say, let’s give a shot.” と言い放ち、延々とカウリスマキの酔っぱらい話で会場を沸かせたことを思い出しますが、つまり、”Let’s give a shot.” の精神で書いてゆきますので、宜しくお付き合い下さい。
I’ve been thinking for long that reading other’s diaries on the web (=blogs) is not quite exciting. But thru watching films and shooting films by myself I’ve realized nowadays that out of very casual mode of writing and speaking are born the most innovative thought. So, I changed my mind and start documenting my cinematic journey on everyday-basis and also the process in which I am unconsciously getting adopted and fit in Japanese culture after being partially-Americanized or fully-New-York-minded for 10 years.

Atsushi Funahashi 映画作家。「過去負う者」「ある職場」(東京国際映画祭2020)「ポルトの恋人たち 時の記憶」(主演柄本佑, ロンドンインディペンデント映画祭最優秀外国映画)「道頓堀よ、泣かせてくれ! Documentary of NMB48」「桜並木の満開の下に」「フタバから遠く離れて」「谷中暮色」「ビッグ・リバー 」(主演オダギリジョー)「echoes」を監督。著書に「まだ見ぬ映画言語に向けて」(吉田喜重との共著)A Tokyo-based filmmaker. Directed “COMPANY RETREAT”(Tokyo IFF), "LOVERS ON BORDERS"(Best Foreign Future LONDON INDEPENDENT FF 2018), "NUCLEAR NATION I&II", "Big River"(all premiered at Berlinale), "echoes". His book include “Undiscovered Film Language” (Co-written with Kiju Yoshida).


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