Berlinale DAY 4 ベルリン映画祭4日目

First thing in the morning I and Kevin had a meeting with Tobias, acquisition director of The Match Factory. To tell the truth he turned down “Deep in the Valley” before Berlinale, but he emailed me saying he wanted to meet me anyway for the future project. He has been working together with Jo (Apichapon Weelasetakun) and Kaurismaki lately, so he got a terrific sense of cinema.
Then we went to a lunch meeting for all the directors and casts in Forum hosted by Christoph, then went to DITV’s 2nd screening at Cinestar 8. Q&A session with Cast and Staff  was quite interesting and “deep.” Raymond Bellour, the founder and critic of French film magazine TRAFIC, came up to me after the screening and gave me great comments which was incredibly rewarding to me. As soon as Q&A ended I was almost kidnaped by Talent Campus to their talk show “Happy Returns”, conference with all the campus alumni filmmakers. I wish Kaminski, the great DoP, also should join the discussion.
After that we had a quite delicious Kantonese dinner hosted by Tony Raynes. What a fun night!
午前中はカウリスマキやアピチャポンの作品を扱っているドイツの映画会社The Match Factory のTobias とミーティング。実はベルリン前「Deep in the Valley」をとても気に入ったのだが、諸事情でワールドセールスを見合わせた経緯があった。しかし作品は好きなのでぜひ会いたいと向こうからオファーしてきた会談だった。
午後はフォーラム部門参加の監督、キャスト全員の食事会のあと、巨大スクリーンのCIneStar 8(前回「Big River」をプレミアした劇場)でスクリーニング、質疑応答。今日はキャスト、スタッフ全員がステージに登った。その後、フランスの映画批評誌TRAFICの創始者(Serge Daneyのパートナー)Raymond Bellour氏が現れ、映画を絶賛。「アラン・レネを思い起こさせる」との言葉は身に余りすぎる光栄だった。

Atsushi Funahashi 映画作家。「過去負う者」「ある職場」(東京国際映画祭2020)「ポルトの恋人たち 時の記憶」(主演柄本佑, ロンドンインディペンデント映画祭最優秀外国映画)「道頓堀よ、泣かせてくれ! Documentary of NMB48」「桜並木の満開の下に」「フタバから遠く離れて」「谷中暮色」「ビッグ・リバー 」(主演オダギリジョー)「echoes」を監督。著書に「まだ見ぬ映画言語に向けて」(吉田喜重との共著)A Tokyo-based filmmaker. Directed “COMPANY RETREAT”(Tokyo IFF), "LOVERS ON BORDERS"(Best Foreign Future LONDON INDEPENDENT FF 2018), "NUCLEAR NATION I&II", "Big River"(all premiered at Berlinale), "echoes". His book include “Undiscovered Film Language” (Co-written with Kiju Yoshida).


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